#ICQ will turn off soon. I grew up with it’s weird aoooo and still know my quite long ID by heart. It was sensational, in contrast to the other, hacky (also cool) #IRC.

    It was the first DM app I and everyone around me used and loved. #WhatsApp never came close.


    What’s a hot and useful technique in network #dataviz?

    I am fiddling around with a graph that represents extractive practices around a #datacenter. Work in progress in #Obsidian. #sts

    Going minimal? Staying with the trouble of dots and lines, but with style? Or: layers, an infographic, …?

    A network graph. Moving from the left to the right: earthly matter (e.g., sand, energy, clearing land), intermediary (like pouring concrete), infrastructuring (e.g., build a damn DC), and charismatic commodities (think servers). The main categories on the left are the most important and thus in colour

    A wild read with many interesting graphs. The lack of social theory is part of the argument, but it really shows. #degrowth

    efficiency is a catalyst for technological sprawl [everywhere]


    #Saigon vibes. #streetphotography

    I’ve been to a lovely #sts conference in #HCMC (more on this elsewhere).

    The south of #vietnam is a somewhat different place. The first random chat in town was about business (am I with Intel, em??), hitting one stereotype right on the head. But there’s more.

    Early morning shot from typical Vietnamese buildings stacked on top of each other. A washed off, yellowish concrete block is illuminated by the sun. Clothes are drying outside Photograph form the inside of Saigon's most famous markets, where you can buy lots of different crafts, food (and Chinese imports). Sort of colonial architecture, yellowish, and there's a guy running around with two phở. No smoking sign on topPhotograph into a newly built shop. Lots of pols. Construction is going on, a worker cuts metal, spraying sparks. Another worker watched. Nice flooring.

    We’re finishing a lovely “situated”, and a bit speculative, dictionary on virtuality this week. It’s been a wild ride co-editing this—such a cool team we have.

    But I’m also tired. It’s one of those weeks where academic tasks just agreed to cuddle and pile up. #academicchatter

    Bei Soziopolis bespreche ich das für den Sachbuchpreis nominierte Buch „#Müll. Eine schmutzige Geschichte der Menschheit“ von Roman Köster. Mit kritischer Notiz zum Begriff des mismanaged waste, der sich in das Buch eingeschlichen hat.



    You want to watch the trailer for an upcoming movie on YouTube but you first have to sit through an ad. Then you sit through a preview for the trailer itself. Etc. pp.

    A tale of #enshittification #tech.

    And #streetphotography #vietnam.


    Snapshot of a wall with a sign "not to spam" here. This is a spot where many Hanoians gather for portraits. The youth

    Hey, look at this.

    Rubin features our data centre project and my research in #Vietnam ❤️

    #datacenters #sts #ethnography #semiconductors #wisskom



    “Exotic animal,” mobile application.

    #streetphotography #photography #scooter #vietnam #hanoi #animals #animalrights

    Snapshot of an eagle that is transported on a motorbike, that is, sitting on the left arm of the driver. The west lake of Hanoi and the city's most famous pagoda are in the background. A little bit of the skyline, too.

    Ever used Zoom? Googled? Discussed numbers and their implications?

    We have a new article out and ask how online data is endowed with worth in virtual collaboration workshops.


    A RUSTlab and Uni Dresden collab. 🫶

    #valuationstudies #sociology #sts

    Future here, again. 👋

    On a hot #planet, you need more ventilation. But since you’re living in a polluted world, better keep the windows shut. And turn the machines on.

    Containment, purification, energy, degrowth, efficiency; it’s a mess. Expect harm. Neglect.

    #climate #airpollution #heat #vietnam

    Picture of a home automation system with local air pollution data (150 AQI, PM 2.5 > 50, high) and temperature (39°C, very high). Behind the screen, you see a sunny yet blurry outside world. Melting away

    #HeatWave in #SEA.

    People turn on ACs or hide in a mall. But there is not enough energy, infrastructures fail, so imports and Diesel generators help out.

    A likely future. More heat, more energy needed, more fossil-fuel to the rescue. More heat. repeat.

    Solid melts into air. All, that is.

    #tsmc in Arizona: a concrete monster hungry for water, in the middle of the desert, driving a culture shock. A debacle? That’s quite a story by Rest of the World.

    I wonder how this will play out in Dresden, when the new chip facility comes.


    #Deutschlandfunk Kultur hatte mich zugeschaltet. Wir sprachen über #Elektroschrott: Geräte, Mengen und vor allem #Verantwortung.


    #Nachhaltigkeit #Abfall

    Sincerely, your favourite chatbot by #OpenAI. #AI

    OpenAI’s training crawler was stuck pinging “the world’s lamest content farm” millions of times


    For all you rhizomes out there, here are more than 1k drawings of plant roots:



    #philosophy #relations #deleuze #sociology

    Zwar beschleunigt sich die Nachhaltigkeitskrise.., aber das friedensbewegte, zivilgesellschaftliche, ökologische, basisdemokratische Alternativprojekt erscheint auffällig erschöpft. Ingolfur Blühdorn


    #Transformation #sustainability

    The Discarded interweaves stories about imaginary #books with reflections on libraries, both real and dreamt. In an age of decreasing literacy, disposable content, and banned books, what do we preserve and discard?


    The #technofix is under scrutiny in #sts. But for a somewhat surprising reason: because of its conceptual weakness. So here is the #infrastructure fix. And thoughts from #LeakageSTS in Dresden

    This is a hot take that Lee Vinsel has been trying to drive home for a couple of weeks already. “Hot”, as in, a lively idea, something he grapples with. I find the idea puzzling and compelling. So here are a few thoughts, experiences, and links to follow. Describing something as a #technofix has become a staple of critical commentary on technology, and perhaps global capitalism per se. A technofix is not really a fix, rather, it distracts from the actual issues.

    Read More

    The chip rush of #Vietnam is in trouble.

    As explained by Mike, energy shortages will hit the country this spring. Again. Investors might move on. Some already did



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