Awesome audience. This morning at #easst4s2024, I discussed our upcoming book (series) on “Predictions” (Mattering Press, w/ Mél Hogan and Edward Ongweso Jr).

    We’re inviting #sts authors to experiment with the format of predictions. A troubling format. But it offers room to imagine and intervene. To show up differently. To learn from sf.

    It requires careful editing though, so the comments about where and how to be critical were essential. Attentive folks

    Liminal Excavations

    A zine that explores alternative visions, ideas and critiques on the topic of #sustainability and #ICT

    We’re proud to be of this project. Our 6 pages discuss the Good Data Centre w/ interview material. Graphic novel-style.…

    We, the, have written about reading. Academia as reading culture.

    Please Go Away…We’re Reading. A Practice Approach to a Taken-for-Granted Academic Craft 🤳On.Culture…

    Bei Soziopolis bespreche ich das für den Sachbuchpreis nominierte Buch „#Müll. Eine schmutzige Geschichte der Menschheit“ von Roman Köster. Mit kritischer Notiz zum Begriff des mismanaged waste, der sich in das Buch eingeschlichen hat.


    #Deutschlandfunk Kultur hatte mich zugeschaltet. Wir sprachen über #Elektroschrott: Geräte, Mengen und vor allem #Verantwortung.…

    #Nachhaltigkeit #Abfall

    The #technofix is under scrutiny in #sts. But for a somewhat surprising reason: because of its conceptual weakness. So here is the #infrastructure fix. And thoughts from #LeakageSTS in Dresden

    This is a hot take that Lee Vinsel has been trying to drive home for a couple of weeks already. “Hot”, as in, a lively idea, something he grapples with. I find the idea puzzling and compelling. So here are a few thoughts, experiences, and links to follow. Describing something as a #technofix has become a staple of critical commentary on technology, and perhaps global capitalism per se. A technofix is not really a fix, rather, it distracts from the actual issues.

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    The chip rush of #Vietnam is in trouble.

    As explained by Mike, energy shortages will hit the country this spring. Again. Investors might move on. Some already did


    We produced controversy maps on the chip rush in #Vietnam.

    26th floor.

    A timeline representing corporate, legal and public activities. A timelapse of rural change. A bit artsy.

    To be translated into a digital format.

    #semiconductors #sts #tech

    Semi-transparent aerial pictures in front of a large window with the city of Hanoi in the background. These are industrial fabrications sitesLeft side: a timeline printed on a wall, left side: the view of the city. Fog, air pollution, actually. A visual reminder of what the facilities are capable of, semiconductor facilitiesMore of the same, but with different material. Left side: part of a timeline, left side: overview of industrial sites in Northern Vietnam with the backdrop of Hanoi. There's also a flip-book using Google Earth histories to trace transitions

    The #Taiwan election finishes with a call for stability, in a way.

    “It may be that the DPP managed to retain power because it is still viewed as the party that defends Taiwanese sovereignty, with backlash against its inability to resolve socioeconomic inequality in Taiwan still not managing to oust it from the presidency.” It comes at a cost, as outlined by of New Bloom magazine. Kicking out youth progressives.…


    Comparing Fediverse software for hosting: Ease of use, efficiency, waste

    Here’s a blog post on #hosting a microblogging instance on the #Fediverse with ecological concerns in mind. It’s a longer one. And unfinished, since it’s messy tinkering in progress, not least due to my #Vietnam routing. 👇 Following our Mastodon article, I am exploring options to host a Fediverse instance with a Raspberry Pi and solar power, testing limits. The goal is to host one or multiple bots and report on data.

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    Patchy value chains

    With this post, I want to bring a color to the blog, show how I experience my daily life as a researcher in Vietnam, and how I follow material infrastructures. It’s going on in bits and pieces, and some is a patchwork. Last not least, this is also a means of sharing links and snapshots. Bits & Trees of Data Centres What does it actually mean to trace and traverse the infrastructure and production networks of a very specific building?

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    Social sciences, ecology and careful digital communication

    How can social science research address planetary concerns and be designed carefully? Two recent articles in Science & Technology Studies address this question with a view to different cases: Conference Mobility on the one hand and Decentralized Social Media on the other. Jumping on the bandwagon In Fieldnotes on FlyingLess Conferencing we discuss our different experiences as train travelers to the EASST conference in Madrid. Some of them were long journeys through Europe, including stops.

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