General Information
Contact Information
- Contact:
stefan.laser []
- Project website: SFB 1567 Virtual Life Worlds
- Faculty website: Social Sciences department, chair of Anthropology of Knowledge
- Mastodon:
- Twitter:
- GitHub:
- ResearchGate:
- OrcID:
- A planetary lens: Material politics of socio-ecologic transitions and sustainability measures
- Science & Technology Studies and relational approaches like actor-network theory
- Economic sociology, global value chains
- Digital methods
- Waste, energy, and valuation studies
- Ethnography and qualitative social science research methods
- Co-Editor of the journal EASST Review
- Elected Board Member 2021-23: stsing e.V. Doing STS in and through Germany. Access Point of the working group “Tech and Infrastructure“
- Member of the DFG Research Network: “Valuation Studies: On the Way to the Evaluation Society?”
- Co-organisation of a DFG research network. “Waste in motion: Mobilisations of waste and pollutants as a sociomaterial configurations”
- Member of the RUSTlab in Bochum
- Member of GWTF – Society for Science and Technology Research
- Member of the German Society for Sociology and the sections: Economic Sociology, Social Theory
- Member of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST)
- Member of the “Platform for Experimental, Collaborative Ethnography” (PECE), with contributions to “The Astma Files” and “Disaster STS”
Programming and Software Skills:
- Python: Data Science
- R: Data Science
- Gephi: Networks
- MaxQDA (AND Markdown): Coding
- Markdown: Memos via Obsidian
Education and Experience
- 2021: Digital Methods Summer School 2021, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- This is the prestigious Summer School conducted by the Digital Methods Initiative in Amsterdam in collaboration with Density Design, Milan
- The theme of the 2021 Summer School was “Fake everything: Social media’s struggles with inauthentic activities”.
- Taking part as a research group manager.
- Group report published on the theme of greenwashing claims.
- 2014-2019: PhD, Dr. phil (summa cum laude) in Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Kassel University, Kassel, Germany
- Publication from the thesis: “Hightech am Ende. Über das globale Recycling von Elektroschrott und die Entstehung neuer Werte” [Hightech at the end. On the global recycling of electronic waste and the creation of new values]
- Supervisors: Prof Dr Jörn Lamla, Dr Tanja Bogusz
- 2013: German Academic Exchange Service, Summer School, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany
- German-Indo academic exchange
- 2012: Semester abroad, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New-Delhi, India
- Studies with the Centre for the Studies of Social Systems
- Empirical research in India through the faculty
- Internship with Chintan (Environmental NGO), New-Delhi
- 2011-2013: Master of Arts, Sociology
- 2008-2011: Bachelor of Arts, Sociology (major) and Intercultural Business Communication (minor), Friedrich‐Schiller University Jena, Jena, Germany
- 2007: A levels, Secondary school, Hamm (Westf.), Germany
Research Experience
- 01&02/2025: Visiting Scholar, Fulbright University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- 2022-Current: Postdoctoral Researcher, Collaborative Research Centre Virtual Liveworlds, Ruhr-University Bochum, affiliated with the RUSTlab, Bochum, Germany
- Employed in the project A02 that studies the infrastructuring of data centres and the planetary resources thus mobilized.
- The study also goes global so South-East Asia, Vietnam and Taiwan in particular
- 2021-2022: Postdoctoral Researcher, Collaborative Research Centre Media of Cooperation, affiliated with the Chair of Sociology (especially Workplace Studies), Siegen University, Siegen, Germany
- Employed in the project A04 that focuses on public sector workplace knowledges using the example of the German railway (Deutsche Bahn).
- I studied the recent shift of the German railway towards a climate-friendly organisation that is drawing heavily on digital innovations.
- 2019-2021: Postdoctoral Researcher and Coordinator, Chair of Cultural Psychology and Anthropology of Knowledge, Faculty of Social Science, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany
- Coordinator of the Ruhr University Science and Technology lab (RUSTlab).
- Teaching science and technology studies at Master level (graduate students)
- 2019: Visiting Scholar, Department of Work, Organization and Technology (Management School)/Centre for Science Studies (Sociology), Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK
- 2013-2019: Pre-doc, research and teaching assistant, research group coordinator, Chair of Social Theory, Department of Social Science, Kassel University, Kassel, Germany
- Teaching at Bachelor level (undergraduate students)
- From 2016 until 2017: coordinator of an interdisciplinary research group that focuses on consumer protection research
- 2009-2013: Student assistant and tutor, Institute for Sociology, Friedrich‐Schiller University Jena, Jena, Germany
- Research support, data collection, editorial work
- English language course tutoring
Industry Experience:
- Since 2019: Freelance coding work: data analytics
- 2009-2014: Freelance Work, Jena, Germany
- Project work and team leader: marketing and advertising
- Qualitatively and quantitatively designed marketing research
- Pitching of projects, production of reports, presentation of reports.
Teaching Experience:
- 6/2021-05/2022: Consulting postdoc in the mentoring program of the Collaborative Research Centre Media of Cooperation, Siegen University
- 4/2020-09/2020: Enjoying theories (in English, M.A. Social Science), Ruhr-University Bochum
- 10/2019-09/2020: Research seminar: Culture, technology, and energy in transformation (M.A. two semesters, Social Science), Ruhr-University Bochum
- 4/2020-09/2020: Enjoying theories (in English, M.A. Social Science), Ruhr-University Bochum
- 10/2019-04/2020: Enjoying theories (in English, M.A. Social Science), Ruhr-University Bochum
- 04/2019-09/2019: Enjoying theories (in English, M.A. Social Science), Ruhr-University Bochum
- 04/2019-09/2019: Global inequalities and ecology (B.A. Sociology), Kassel University
- 04/2019-09/2019: Introduction to Science and Technological Studies (B.A. Social Science), Ruhr-University Bochum
- 10/2018-03/2019: What does sustainability mean? (B.A. Sociology), Kassel University
- 04/2018-09/2018: Social theory 101: Nature and culture (B.A. Sociology), Kassel University
- 10/2017-03/2018: Controversial information technology. On Science, technology and the economics of evaluation (B.A. Sociology), Kassel University
- 04/2017-09/2017: Participation in the B.A. research seminar “Mapping controversies“ (seminar leader: Jörn Lamla). Supervision of a group on the subject of “Electronic waste and new smartphone designs“, Kassel University
- 04/2017-09/2017: Social theory 101: Objectivity and critique (B.A. Sociology), Kassel University
- 10/2016-03/2017: Sociology of waste (B.A. Sociology), Kassel University
- 04/2015-09/2015: About theories of democracy and the post-democracy hypothesis (B.A. Sociology), Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
- 4/2015-09/2015: Social theory 101: Objectivity and critique (B.A. Sociology), Kassel University
- 10/2014-03/2015: “A T-shirt for 2,50? Why even wash it?“ – Value and value creation in a global world (B.A. Sociology, Kassel), Kassel University
- 2014-2019: Lecture: Consumption and socialization (part of an annual lecture series, Political Science), Kassel University
- 4/2014-09/2014: Social theory 101: N. Luhmann and B. Latour (B.A. Sociology), Kassel University
- 10/2013-03/2014: Collective consumption (B.A. Sociology, Kassel, with Jörn Lamla), Kassel University
- 10/2013-03/2014: Introduction to scientific rigor (B.A. Sociology), Kassel University
Grants and Funding
Accepted Application | Role |
2023– : Network „Waste in motion: Mobilisations of waste and pollutants as a sociomaterial configurations”, gefördert von der DFG | Co-author |
2017–2018: „Smart Environment, Smart Information? Information und Auskunft über personenbezogene Datenverarbeitung im Internet der Dinge“, Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz | Co-author |
2016: Travel Expenses, DAAD | Personal Application |
2015: Travel Expenses, Uni Kassel | Personal Application |
2014: Travel Expenses, DAAD | Personal Application |
List of Publications
- Abels, Sandra/Çelik, Leman/Laser, Stefan/Sørensen, Estrid (in preparation, 2025): Science is planetary.
- Groth, Karla/Laser, Stefan/Sarther, Isabelle/Schirrmacher, Jennifer (2022): Artenübergreifende Fürsorge? Die Corona-Pandemie und das Mensch-Tier-Verhältnis. Reihe: Human-Animal Studies. Bielefeld: transcript.
- Laser, Stefan (2020): Hightech am Ende. Über das globale Recycling von Elektroschrott und die Entstehung neuer Werte. Reihe: Soziologie des Wertens und Bewertens. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Special Issues
- Çelik, Leman/Laser, Stefan/Sørensen, Estrid (in preparation, 2025): Across the layers: How data infrastructures link knowledge practices and planetary matter. Science & Technology Studies.
- Greeson, Emma/Stefan Laser/Olli Pyyhtinen (2020): Dis/assembling value. Lessons from waste valuation practices. Valuation Studies 7(2).
- Schlitz, Nicolas/Stefan Laser (2019): Waste and globalized inequalities. Austrian Journal of Development Studies 35(2-3).
Edited Volumes
- Fehrenbacher, Jens/Flugel, Kristin/Jürgens, Jane/Laser, Stefan/Lorenz, Marco/Pittroff, Fabian, Early Career Forum (2024): Vokabular der Virtualität. Ein situiertes Lexikon der Virtualität. Bielefeld: transcript.
- Hogan, Mél/Stefan Laser/Edward Ongweso (in preparation, 2025): Predictions. Lancaster: Mattering Press.
- Krenn, Karoline/Kropf, Jonathan/Ochs, Carsten (in print, 2024): Dynamiken digitaler Bewertung. Über Gestaltungsspielräume in Infrastrukturen – von KI bis Queering. Wiesbaden: Springer-VS.
- Kropf, Jonathan/Laser, Stefan (2018): Digitale Bewertungspraktiken. Für eine Bewertungssoziologie des Digitalen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Article with Double-blind Peer-Review
- Laser, Stefan (under Review): Industrial policy and semiconductors from Taipei to Hanoi: The futures of chips. East Asian Science, Technology and Society.
- Wagenknecht, Susann/Kocksch, Laura/Laser, Stefan/Kuehnen, Ann-Kristin (2024): Valuing data – attaching online data to stakes, selves, and other data. Valuation Studies 8(2).
- Laser, Stefan (2022): Verausgabung auf „Strava“ und mit „Powermeter“: über technologisch vermittelte Selbstbewertung beim Radsport und eine energiesoziologische Perspektive. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 47(4): 319-332.
- Laser, Stefan (2022): Wert mit Abfall befragen. Eine soziomaterielle Perspektive auf die Erzeugung von Wert mit Einsichten aus ethnographischer Forschung zu Elektroschrott. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 51(2): 1-18.
- Gertenbach, Lars/Lamla, Jörn/Laser, Stefan (2021): Eating Ourselves out of Industrial Excess? Degrowth, Multi-Species Conviviality and the Micro-Politics of Cultured Meat. Anthropological Theory 21 (3): 386–408.
- Laser, Stefan/Sørensen, Estrid (2021): Re‐imagining river restoration. Temporalities, landscapes and values of the Emscher set in a post‐mining environment. Berliner Blätter 84(2): 65‐85.
- Laser, Stefan/Alison Stowell (2020): Thinking like Apple’s recycling robots: Towards the activation of responsibility in a postenvironmentalist world. Ephemera 20(3): 163–194.
- Laser, Stefan (2020): Sorting, shredding and smelting scrap: The production of value by deformation at a high‐tech recycler of electronic waste. Valuation Studies 7(2): 221‐255.
- Laser, Stefan/Schlitz, Nicolas (2019): Facing frictions: Waste and globalized inequalities. Austrian Journal of Development Studies 35(2‐3): 5‐32.
- Lamla, Jörn/Laser, Stefan (2016): Nachhaltiger Konsum im transnationalen Wertschöpfungskollektiv. Versammlungsdynamiken in der Politischen Ökonomie des Elektroschrotts. Berliner Journal of Sociology 26(2): 249‐271.
- Laser, Stefan (2016): Why is it so hard to engage with practices of the informal sector? Experimental insights from the Indian e‐waste‐collective. Cultural Studies Review 22(1): 168‐195.
Article without Double-blind Peer Review and Book Chapters
- Multiple entries in the speculative dictionary: Fehrenbacher, Jens/Flugel, Kristin/Jürgens, Jane/Laser, Stefan/Lorenz, Marco/Pittroff, Fabian (Hrsg., 2024): Vokabular der Virtualität. Ein situiertes Lexikon der Virtualität. Bielefeld: transcript. (Anfänge, Digitalität, Editorial, Großinvestition, Hypervisor, Meta, Qualitäten)
- Laser, Stefan/Pasek, Anne/Sørensen, Estrid/Hogan, Mél/Ojala, Mace/Fehrenbacher, Jens/Gregor Hepach, Maximilian/Çelik, Leman/Ravi Kumar, Koushik (2023): The environmental footprint of social media hosting: Tinkering with Mastodon. EASST Review 41(3).
- Sørensen, Estrid/Laser, Stefan (2023): Towards artful sustainable Integration of IT infrastructures: A report from the construction of a university data centre. In: Jankowski, Patricia/Höfner, Anja/Hoffmann, Marja Lena/Rohde, Friederike/Rehak, Rainer/Graf, Johanna: Shaping digital transformation for a sustainable society: Contributions from Bits & Bäume, 87–90. Berlin: Technische Universität Berlin.
- Laser, Stefan (2022): Verschwendung handhaben. Über Energie, Ressourceneinsatz und infrastrukturelles Erfahrungswissen in der Recycling- und Schienenindustrie. In: Barth, Thomas/Jaeger-Erben, Melanie/Jochum, Georg/Lorenz, Stephan (Hrsg.). Nachhaltig(e) Werte schaffen? Arbeit und Technik in der sozial-ökologischen Transformation, 156-179. Weinheim: Beltz/Juventa.
- Laser, Stefan/Nicolas Schlitz (2021): Abfall in und jenseits von Güterketten: Ungleichheiten und unterschätzte Materialien. In: Fischer, Karin/Reiner, Christian/Staritz, Cornelia (Hrsg.), Globale Warenketten und ungleiche Entwicklung: Arbeit, Kapital, Konsum, Natur, 284–288. Wien: Mandelbaum Verlag.
- Laser, Stefan (2021): Mit modularen Smartphones Müll vermeiden, und andere Missverständnisse. Über die Intervention in eine produktorientierte Bewegung und die methodologischen Früchte des Scheiterns. In: Herberg, Jeremias/Stämmler, Johannes (Hrsg.). Wissenschaft im Strukturwandel, 337–358. München: Oekom.
- Laser, Stefan/Alison Stowell (2020): Apple’s recycling robot „Liam“ and the global recycling economy of e‐waste. What ‘The Guardian’ does, and what he misses out on. In: Johansson, Nils/Ek, Richard (Hrsg.). Perspectives on waste from the social sciences and humanities: Opening the bin, 265–279. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars.
- Greeson, Emma/Laser, Stefan/Pyyhtinen, Olli (2020): Introduction: Dis/assembling value. Lessons from waste valuation practices. Valuation Studies 7(2): 151‐166.
- Laser, Stefan (2018): Elektroschrott und die Abwertung von Reparaturpraktiken: Eine soziologische Erkundung des Recyclings von Elektronikgeräten in Indien und Deutschland. In: Stefan Krebs, Gabriele Schabacher, Heike Weber (Hrsg.). Kulturen des Reparierens, 85‐103. Bielefeld: transcript.
- Kropf, Jonathan/Laser, Stefan (2018): Eine Bewertungssoziologie des Digitalen. In: Kropf, Jonathan/Laser, Stefan (Hrsg.). Digitale Bewertungspraktiken. Für eine Bewertungssoziologie des Digitalen, 1‐16. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Kropf, Jonathan/Laser, Stefan (2018): Für eine reflexive Vergleichspraxis in der Bewertungssoziologie. Pinterest und WhatsApp als Beispiel. In: Kropf, Jonathan/Laser, Stefan (Hrsg.). Digitale Bewertungspraktiken. Für eine Bewertungssoziologie des Digitalen, 19‐40. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Laser, Stefan/Ochs, Carsten (2018): Kontroversen bewertbar machen. Über die Methode des „Mapping of Controversies. In: Kropf, Jonathan/Laser, Stefan (Hrsg.). Digitale Bewertungspraktiken. Für eine Bewertungssoziologie des Digitalen, 97‐125. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Lamla, Jörn/Laser, Stefan (2018): Verbraucherschutz. In: Backhaus‐Maul H., Kunze M., Nährlich S. (Hrsg.). Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung von Unternehmen in Deutschland, 285‐299. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Laser, Stefan (2016): A phone worth keeping for the next 6 billion? Exploring the creation of a modular smartphone made by Google. In: Christiane Lewe, Tim Orthold, Nicolas Oxen (Hrsg). Müll: Interdisziplinäre Beiträge auf das Übrig-Gebliebene, 201‐226. Bielefeld: transcript.
- Laser, Stefan/Lamla, Jörn (2015): Demokratischer Experimentalismus in transnationalen Wertschöpfungskollektiven. Über einige Herausforderungen des ethischen Konsums und den Fall Elektroschrott. In: Stephan Lessenich (Hrsg.). Routinen der Krise – Krise der Routinen. Verhandlungen des 37. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Trier 2014. Budrich.
- Laser, Stefan (2024): Eine innige Beziehung. Rezension zu ‚Müll. Eine schmutzige Geschichte der Menschheit‘ von Roman Köster, Soziopolis.
- Laser, Stefan (2021): Review‐Essay: Building bridges: About the reflection work and consequences of STS method practices in three current publications. Science and Technology Studies 34(2): 138–143.
- Laser, Stefan (2019): Who carries the weight of digital technologies? What is its weight anyway? Review‐Essay of “Reassembling Rubbish: Worlding Electronic Waste”, by Josh Lepawsky (MIT Press), Austrian Journal of Development Studies 35(2‐3): 217‐227.
Reports and Working Paper
- Ashall, Vanessa/Held, Tobias/Laser, Stefan/Mewes, Julie Sascia/Ojala, Mace/Schulte-Roemer, Nona/Smith, Robert/Tutton, Richard/Zambach, Sine (2022): Fieldnotes on FlyingLess Conferencing. EASST Review 41(2).
- Laser, Stefan (2022): Obsoleszenz statt Transformation im Schienenverkehr: Über die Rolle der Bahn in der ökologischen -Verkehrswende, eine Grüne Welle auf der Schiene und Hoffnungen in eine Kupplungsrevolution. Working Paper Series Collaborative Research Center 1187 Media of Cooperation. Siegen.
- Laser, Stefan/Rienow, Andreas/Dedring, Torben (2021): Ruhr Valley and Delhi. Megacity Air Pollution in Germany and India, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography.
- Laser, Stefan/Chen,Xinyue/Lompe, Maria/Ozkula, Suay Melisa/Sørensen, Estrid/Teigeler, Lena /Vespa, Mariangela/Zhao, Tianshi. (2021): Greenwashing, in_authenticity and protest: Following the dynamics and relations of an ambiguous term on Twitter and the Web, Designers: Matteo Bettini, Valentina Pallacci, Fabiola Papini, Marìa Paula Vargas Triana, Digital Methods Initiative Wiki.
- Lippert, Ingmar/Mewes, Julie S./Helm, Paula/Laser, Stefan/Sørensen, Estrid/Kocksch, Laura (2021): stsing: Doing STS In, Through and Beyond the German Academic System. SocArXiv.
- Frisch, Thomas/Laser, Stefan/Matthäus, Sandra/Schendzielorz, Cornelia (2021): It’s worth the trouble. On valuation studies and climate change. economic sociology_the european electronic newsletter 22(1): 10‐14.
- Bogusz, Tanja/Büchner, Stefanie/Dányi, Endre/Klein, Anja/Laser, Stefan/Schlünder, Martina/Sørensen, Estrid. Workshop report: #stsing – but how? An open workshop on possible organization forms of STS‐in‐Germany. Online-Blog stsing.
Selected Presentations
- Sørensen, Estrid/Mauro-Flude, Nancy/Laser, Stefan/Jackson, Steve: Planetary data infrastructures, EASST/4S Conference, Amsterdam, 18.07.2024.
- Laser, Stefan: Chip Rush? Semiconductors in Vietnam as a Public Controversy, Workshop, Hanoi, 05.03.2024.
- Laser, Stefan: “Rescaling the Planet Through Chips”, paper presented at the Taiwan Science and Technology Studies Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 02.09.2023.
- Laser, Stefan/Schönbauer, Sarah: “Waste in Circulation”, panel organized, Aachen,, 15.03.2023.
- Bogusz, Tanja/Laser, Stefan: “Circulating Experimental Knowledge: On Co-laborative stsing in the Anthropocene”, panel organized, Aachen,, 17.03.2023.
- Çelik, Leman/Laser, Stefan/Sørensen, Estrid: “Across the Layers: Scientific Knowledge Production, Planetary Resources, and Data Centres”, lecture series, Ruhr-University Bochum, winter 2022/23.
- Kropf, Jonathan/Laser, Stefan/Ochs, Carsten: “Shaping platforms and reflecting value conflicts in socio-digital valuation infrastructures”, workshop organized, Kassel, 19./20.05.2022
- Laser, Stefan: “Climate on and off the railways. The railway in the ecological transformation”, paper presented during the workshop “Organisation and Valuation of Sustainability”, Hamburg, 5.11.2021
- Laser, Stefan: “Waste: On the question of value”, paper presented during the workshop “The ecological question”, organized by the section of Social Theory of the German Society of Sociology, Frankfurt am Main, 05.06.2020
- Laser, Stefan: “Cycling on and through digital platforms, or: What happens when data centres shape the mobility of athletes?“, paper presented, 5th Energy and Society conference, Trento, 11.02.2021.
- Kocksch, Laura/Laser, Stefan/Pittroff, Fabian/Roschka, Jakob/Sørensen, Estrid: “Inquiring the digital interstice through a data sprint: Ethnographic research where front and back end meet“, workshop organized, conference “New Materialist Informatics“, Kassel, 22.03.2021.
- Laser, Stefan: “Charging the bin: Bringing energy in“, paper presented, conference “Re‐Opening the Bin“, Gothenburg, Sweden, 11.06.2021.
- Kocksch, Laura/Laser, Stefan/Sørensen, Estrid: “Decentring datacentres: their politics, energy, waste and epistemics“, panel organized during the EASST/4S conference: Locating and Timing Matters, Prague, Czech Republic, 19.08.2020.
- Laser, Stefan: “Restoring a broken landscape? A ‘pioneering model’ from the Ruhr Valley, a former coal mining hub“, paper presented during the EASST/4S conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 20.08.2020.
- Laser, Stefan: “On high‐tech recycling. Some lessons from a global ethnography of electronic waste“, paper presented at the Centre for Science Studies, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK, 27.03.2019.
- Laser, Stefan: “Waste and globalized inequalities. The case of e‐waste“, paper presented at the Sustainability Research Network, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK, 26.03.2019.
- Laser, Stefan/Stowell, Alison: “Apple’s recycling robot “Liam” and the global recycling economy of e‐waste“, with Alison Stowell, paper presented, conference “Opening the Bin“, Helsingborg, Lund, Sweden, 29.04.2017.
- Laser, Stefan: “Processing electronic waste, re‐evaluating limits. Ethnographic insights from a high‐tech recycling company“, paper presented during the 4S/EASST conference “Science and technology by other means“, Barcelona, Spain, 01.09.2016.
- Laser, Stefan: “Evaluating electronic waste on a daily basis. Ethnographic insights from a large‐scale waste recycler and processor“, paper presented, conference “Ethnography and qualitative research“, Bergamo, 09.06.2016.
- Laser, Stefan: “Who Benefits from Sustainability? Analysing the Indian Politics of Electronic Waste in a Transnational Setting“, paper presented, ASNEL/GNEL and GASt conference “Postcolonial Justice“, Potsdam and Berlin, 30.05.2014.