Interspecies Care
More-than-human research in the aftermath of the Corona crisis, and more.
I have been researching public discourses on the meat industry and the culling of minks in a writing collective. The book is based on a cooperation with students. Building on an excellent seminar research report, we knitted a book together; thus the project also stands for an egalitarian (social) science that thinks across statuses.
More on human-animal studies
Beyond that, I have engaged with Cultured Meat in other animal-human research. See: Gertenbach, Lars, Jörn Lamla, und Stefan Laser. 2021. „Eating Ourselves out of Industrial Excess? Degrowth, Multi-Species Conviviality and the Micro-Politics of Cultured Meat“. Anthropological Theory 21 (3): 386–408.…