#Yagi. 🌪️ #Vietnam & #Hanoi face the worst typhoon in modern history.

    Locals are alarmed, disaster missions prepared. But trees & buildings will be tested.


    Snapshot from VNExpress, the first storms a day ahead of the actual typhoon's arrival already start flipping trees and burying scooters, cars, people 😞

    This read hit me right in the guts, what a group: the Four Thieves Vinegar Collective. Love love love the 404 piece and #hacking #healthcare.

    A slide at his talk reads “Isn’t this illegal? Yeah. Grow up.”


    What possibly goes wrong.

    Well, it’s a vibrant field, what not to love about the new old web? But less Electron excess would be neat indeed

    #Mastodon #Fediverse #RSS #nativeapps

    Screenshot from an Android home screen with a custom launcher that shows 7 apps to access news and feeds and social media.&10;&10;It might also be a sign of how vibrant the field is

    #Consumer protection is beefing up, as we learned today in an interview with a representative of the German consumer protection agency. Carsten Ochs and I had a blast. A chapter on this will appear in our forthcoming volume on digital valuation practices (and their dynamics). #sociology

    The examples from the battlefield were revealing, from tracking fake online stores (sometimes 10,000 of them just pop up) to public AI tools, legal struggles and the difficulty of reaching what is known as Gen Z.

    Time to organise, you me we, I suppose.

    #China + 1 actually means Chinese industries moving south. 🌄 This and other gems are discussed in Mike’s excellent recent #Vietnam weekly #podcast:

    China’s Place Across the ‘Global South’


    #geopolitics #globalsouth

    So, what is Karan #Barad up to these days? Considering that their theories are gaining traction again, I wonder if there is any recent work?

    Barad doesn’t appear to be retired, but I can hardly find any publication traces from the past five to ten years. I would love to read more reflections. Quantum stuff. Updates. #sts #newmaterialism

    Maybe this is also a question addressing the awkward timespace of (North-American? senior?) academia.

    I am hyped, because I just learned about a low-cost #airpurifier.


    They use MERV-13 filters instead of HEPA. The trick is simple. These things are slightly less effective in catching particles, but you can push much more air through them. Less resistance 👾. Hence a unit is quiet like a wine fly. And #airpollution is gone with the wind

    There’s even a click-baity clip.👇


    Cage homes, a Vietnamese story. This new-ish trend in the capital is tough to swallow. And now, prices are rising. The profit margins must be insane. It used to be a Hong Kong thing (I think), but now it has spread.

    In Thanh Xuan District, college freshman Ngoc Tam has been told by her landlord that the rent for her five-square-meter [!] home had been hiked by 20% to VND1.9 M.


    #vietnam #hanoi #capitalism

    Despite decades of struggle, fenceline disputes over petrochemical pollution have rarely posed fundamental threats to industry. Yet the pressure for industrial transformation is intensifying, coming not only from activists and regulators but also from investors and shifting geopolitical interests.

    Thrilled to read Alice Mah’s new banger book. Petrochemical planet. Go: www.dukeupress.edu/petrochem…

    #sts #energy #ecology #pollution #waste

    Ein Interview zu unserer Monographie, nun open access:

    Artenübergreifende Fürsorge? Die Corona-Pandemie und das Mensch-Tier-Verhältnis, transcript


    #Fleisch #Tierindustrie #Agrarwirtschaft #care #covid

    Campus entanglements, Ruhr University Bochum.


    A guide to find your way on campus in the form of a large red block of concrete, pointing towards building MA, while a tree finds it's way through the concrete

    Good night, #easst4s2024, #photography vibes

    Snapshot from a party "in the forest", as it was advertised, with white tents and trees to the right. Colourful lights wherever groups of people are hiding

    Join our panel on Planetary Data Infrastructure right now at #easst4s2024. A two session ride. 👇HG-KC07

    We have academic paper presentations and experimental formats such as material hands-on server experiences, and virtual reality applications. It will be a fun gathering. #sts

    A person in a lecture hall, holding up an artificial reality app that puts a data centre into the cathedral. You see this on the phone. Chalk board area to the left, audience with red seats to the right. And there are hidden Easter eggs in the app

    Awesome audience. This morning at #easst4s2024, I discussed our upcoming book (series) on “Predictions” (Mattering Press, w/ Mél Hogan and Edward Ongweso Jr).

    We’re inviting #sts authors to experiment with the format of predictions. A troubling format. But it offers room to imagine and intervene. To show up differently. To learn from sf.

    It requires careful editing though, so the comments about where and how to be critical were essential. Attentive folks

    Scale and anti-scale.

    Today, I enjoyed listening to a three session panel on the #cloud, and a lovely stacked discussion about science, technology and policy work. Inspiring people have come to Amsterdam, and the infrastructure is a bliss.

    And now, dinner may commence


    Photography from the inside of the new main building of free university, Amsterdam. You see wooden stairs, colourful light balloons, and a large hall below

    Check the new EASST Review published just in time for the big #sts conference. Our editorial is quite a political one.


    Indeed, it’s time for #easst4s2024! On my way to the registration in Amsterdam, filled with memories of an Utrecht book/zine store.


    Book shelf in a book store. Colourful (maga)zines that build a nice mess. It's a lot of local and some international work, queer, artsy, lots of street photography. There's a cozy armchair in the front

    Pre-conference travels. Stopping in #Utrecht before heading to Amsterdam and the #easst4s train. #sts

    Wonderful city, we even found a quirky space incl. #permacomputing.

    Canal life in Utrecht, a picturesque city it is. Here is part of a bridge over the canal, colourful steel meets bricksA buzy music bar shown from above, lots of wood and flowers, and someone playing the drums in the centre. Weird space-turned-sex art hanging from the ceiling A shop called Posting Computers seen from the outside. The building is wooden with black window framed, aka modern startup vibe

    This Samsung protest (a remarkable one) reminds me of my recent travels to #SouthKorea. I came across a protest against an upcoming LG expansion. Lively publics

    Samsung Union Workers Launch Indefinite Strike www.nytimes.com/2024/07/0…

    Protesters holding signs against LG. Red and blue Korean script on yellow signs, local buildings and hills in the background

    Listening to another great podcast episode w/ Daniela and her critical-theory-ish #energy approach.

    Future Histories: Daniela Russ zu Energie(wirtschaft) und produktivistischer #Ökologie


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